1438N, 3-Ring Deskbook Check Portfolio
- Item# 1438N
- Size: 12" x 12 1/2"
- Designed for our End-Stub & Home Accountant deskbook checks
- Zippered for more security
- Available in black only
- Inside pockets for cards, folders, phones and more
- Min. Order: 1 portfolio
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Our Deskbook Check Portfolio and 3 Ring Check Binder, is the ideal organizer for individuals engaged in various business related activities. For individuals who require a compact and spacious folder, our Deskbook Portfolio with 3 Ring Check Binder Branded, is the perfect accessory. Its 12" x 12 1/2" size is exactly suitable for easy handling, and has a strong zipper which ensures the security of all your important business documents and checks. Now, you can easily lead a hassle free work life, with our 1438N Deskbook Portfolio. You will be able to keep organized and efficiently resolve all your business responsibilities diligently.
Our 1438N Deskbook Portfolio with 3 Ring Check Binder,is available in black color to add an element of style and elegance to your everyday life. The multiple inside pockets easily accommodate business cards, folders and important documents. You can easily keep your work place organized and systematic with our 1438N Deskbook Portfolio. No more worries of losing or misplacing important documents or checks, as your business and work related activities will be kept on course and efficient with the use of this product. Get yourself organized and improve your efficiency with our 1438N Deskbook Portfolio.

carry with me, wherever I go. It's the only portfolio of its kind that I found.
and liked. I would like to see this design in a genuine leather exterior finish.

1438N, 3-Ring Deskbook Check Portfolio
- Item# 1438N
- Size: 12" x 12 1/2"
- Designed for our End-Stub & Home Accountant deskbook checks
- Zippered for more security
- Available in black only
- Inside pockets for cards, folders, phones and more
- Min. Order: 1 portfolio
Check compatibility: Designed for Home Accountant (56600N) and End-Stub (56300N) checks, but may work with other checks